Sunday, October 22, 2006

Simple Saturday

It's turning out to be a friends and family weekend.


It’s 10pm and I just uploaded a whole bunch of pictures from my last week’s birthday bash. I am at Nette’s downtown apartment. And being in the posh downtown area, I am loving the lights as seen from the window. For once, I’m not missing the charm of my suburban crib.

It was just last week when I picked her up at the airport. Now, she’s asleep on the couch, tired from rigorous badminton playing and adjusting to the time zone. If and when she decides to wake up tonight, we’ll get carcinogens by eating canned corned beef, tuna and instant noodles and watch Season1 Scrubs which I borrowed. The aim is get tired from laughing until we fall asleep.


While I'm waiting for my sister to finish her chicken wings dinner cooked by her hubbie so we can have an hour or two of chatting over shallow things and any what-have-you’s that nobody else will understand but just us, I’m wondering how many minutes more to count before I have to wash off the spa treatment I have on my hair now.


My bestfriend just went offline. She just downloaded my pictures so she could show it to my mom later. She’ll be visiting with my other now-doctor bestfriend who just had his birthday yesterday. Mom prepared lunch as always and crepe for dessert. Lucky them!

The day is turning out to be just how I felt it would be when I woke up this morning. Simple and filled with catching-up and hair spa treatment on the side. It’s freezing outside but I don’t mind the cold. Family and friends are close by and I don’t feel like I’m an ocean away.

I can't ask for anything else...just more days like these.


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